
Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana
Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana

Payments can be made:

  • By Credit Card
  • By Bank transfer to: Azienda Agricola Giovani, c/o Monte dei Paschi di Siena -
    Agenzia di Suvereto
    European Bank IBAN
    IT 70 J 01030 70790 000000232111

    Please indicate the order number attributed at the time of purchase.

    Payment by Credit Card

Credit card accepted:

Credit Card payments are protected by

Credit Card details are put into cipher at the time of transmitting the data, which gives the buyer total protection against possible misuse of their personal data. At the end of a transaction, most browser will ask you wheter you wish to pass from protected to unprotected mode.
Please answer YES, as only your consent will enable the Banca Sella to inform us that the transaction has taken place.

Your Card details (name, number and expiry date) are transmitted directly to he Bank and will never be available to Azienda Giovani. The Sella Bank will liase directly with Visa and Mastercard through their authorized network and will advise us once the transaction has been processed successfully. The Bank will confirm to the buyer directly by e-mail if the transaction was successful or if an error was made, in which case they will advise on the procedure to follow.

This system is by far superior to any other Credit Card transaction to which we are used to, like restaurants, shops, petrol stations etc...

Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana
Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana
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Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana DIE PRESSUNG
Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana DIE OLIVENHAINE
Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana DIE OLIVEN
Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana DIE OLIVENERNTE
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Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana
Extravergine olivenoel aus toskana